Monday, 10 August 2009


So here it is first try of the polaroid (thanks mum for getting it for me) only realized half way through the film that it was film that was four years out of date.

All images taken whilst traveling too and from Cardiff.

Good weekend.

word of the day :


[no-stal-juh, -jee-uh, nuh-]

1.a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time: a nostalgia for his college days.
2.something that elicits or displays nostalgia

Shouts go to the train driver for letting us sleep and letting us get away with invalid tickets!!!

More images and films too come, hold tight!


1 comment:

  1. I love that bridge on your way into wales! Nice snaps. The dated film looks cool as well
